Miel de Laeken

DieterTelemans is a press photographer and a part-time beekeeper. As a photographer, he focuses
on environmental issues. In particular, he produced the book and photos for "Troubled Waters" an
exhibition on water issues around the world. This interest in the environment turned into a passion
and led him to become a beekeeper.
Today, he has about thirty hives in the north of Brussels as well as in Strombeek and Dilbeek. The
honey sold at Au Rayon Bio comes from an apiary located 150 m as the bees fly from the Atomium.
It could almost be called "royal" honey, because his bees go looking for nectar in the famous royal
estate next door.
His honey does not have an organic label but it is local and comes from just around the corner
since Dieter Telemans delivers it by bike when he comes to shop at Au Rayon Bio, his favourite


More info : www.dietertelemans.com